Sunday, August 30, 2009
Convicts Benifit (s)
The American government has screwed up bad. They accidentally sent 3900 prisoners $250 bailout checks ( Bail-out, ironic isn't it). When only1700 were eligible. But, of course the convicts who received that check accidentally are going to give it back. That money will be returned to its rightful owners. No problem.
Upon other news, stimulus checks have been serving quite a purpose recently. The police department has been using $250 dollar checks to lure in wanted felons. The plan is genius. Wanted man numero uno gets a letter telling him to come down to so and so place to collect a $250 check, he shows up and gets a little more then he anticipated...handcuffs. What a good system. Finally, someone is doing something right. Surely, broadcasting the scam on national television won't stop these wanted men from coming to collect their checks. Money is money. Of course the felons would not think that they would be scammed twice, after everyone knows about it. After all, fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you.
Out for now,
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Admiral Speaks !!!!! ( That's all I got )
Admiral say what?
What exactly does the Admiral think our actions are communicating? That we do not like terrorists, or that we do not like fighting a war overseas?
Wait, isn't that EXACTLY what our actions are supposed to communicate.
We will not, I repeat we will not stand for terrorists, terrorizing America and we will not allow people to know that we do not like fighting wars in middle eastern countries!
Admiral Mullen was not finished. He went on to say "Each time we fail to live up to our values or don’t follow up on a promise, we look more and more like the arrogant Americans the enemy claims we are.”
What are American values?
I will leave that to someone else.
But poor Obama. He worked so hard to make sure that the middle eastern countries did not think that Americans were a bunch of arrogant pricks.
Spoiler Alert: IT DIDN'T WORK! America is STILL at war with Iraq and Afghanistan. ( Newsflash) Apparently the American people were too quick to praise the presidents speech in Egypt on June 4th. ( Wow, Americans, to quick to praise. That's new.)
Not to mention that the missiles aimed towards Al Queda and the Taliban, in Pakistan, hit innocent civilians. Can you believe it, the missiles, they missed the targets and landed right on their shields ( I think these are the actions Admiral Mullen was talking about).
The Admiral believes that our actions are not saying the right things about us. They are not showing the real good ol' American values. He finishes off by saying "“We shouldn’t care if people don’t like us. That isn’t the goal. The goal is credibility. And we earn that over time.” Wait a second, if people are not supposed to like us, then I think that our actions are doing just fine. They are out there speaking for themselves. Hate words. Shouldn't that be perfection for Admiral Mullen?
“It’s not about telling our story,” said the Admiral “We must also be better listeners.”
I knew there was a moral in here somewhere. He wants us to LISTEN. Our actions should not make or break things, they should listen to things. Like Al Queda and Taliban terrorists. Everyone needs to be listened to now and again.
Out for now,
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
President Obama has Entered the Vineyard
Sources say that President Barack Obama has chosen to take a week long vacation to Martha’s Vineyard. The overworked president has chosen to up and leave while the political situation in this country is anything but calm.
I can imagine that the American people are very upset by this in-prompt-to getaway. There is a frenzy going on about the Obama’s Health care plan. The country is in turmoil over this. They need their president ( who else will they lash out on ?).
But wait, President Obama has not abandoned his people in time of need. Obama knows that the best way to calm down his people is to listen to a Maverick. He is taking the advice of his 2008 opponent, John McCain, and gone in search for Ted Kennedy’s wisdom. You see people, President Obama is not running away from the problem, he is removing himself so that it can be fixed. Can we fix it? Yes we can !!
Or maybe not.
Ted Kennedy's death on the eve of August 25th took the nation by surprise. Obama's $35,000 - $50,000 dollar apartment just won't be the same without Senator Ted Kennedy's help on the horizon. What will he do now? Does John McCain have any other advice to solve this health care fiasco?
Out for now,
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Welcome to my Satirical World
Out for now,